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The Use of Videoconferencing in Higher Education

1. Electronic mail questionnaire

AGOCG Questionnaire : The Use of Videoconferencing

HUSAT Research Institute

We are currently investigating the use of videoconferencing in higher education for AGOCG (Advisory Group on Computer Graphics). You may have participated in the last questionnaire study 18 months ago. If so, we are particularly interested in finding out if your situation as regards your use of videoconferencing facilities has changed. If you did not participate in the last questionnaire we are still interested in your usage of videoconferencing and how this has changed over the last 18 months.

In response to some questions we ask you to describe your situation 'now' and '18 months ago'. If you have been using videoconferencing for less than 18 months then please answer these questions in relation to when you started using your facility and indicate approximately when this was.

It is not necessary for the purposes of this research that you answer every single question. If you feel that your individual situation would be better described by summarising your situation now compared with 18 months ago, then please use your discretion to do this. We are more interested in collecting useful and accurate data than having all of the questions answered.

The data you provide will retain anonymity and will feed into a publicly accessible document. This will aid people considering setting up a videoconference facility in a higher education environment, and will also describe the position of those using videoconferencing and how this has changed over time.

If you know of anyone else in higher education (e.g. lecturers, students, researchers, administrative staff) who uses videoconferencing we would appreciate it if you would forward the questionnaire to them also.

Please add any comments at the end if you do not feel that the questionnaire has covered other issues which you consider to be relevant. The questionnaire should take about fifteen minutes to complete.

Please return by e-mail to:, by 23rd February.

1. Personal details:

Job Title:
Main field of interest:
Are you a user of videoconferencing, a service provider for other users, or both?

2. General details:

What equipment do you currently use for videoconferencing? (Please give details of the make, model, hardware, software, etc., if known.)

If you know the bandwidth you normally use please state:

Do you use satellite, SuperJanet, ISDN, a mixture, or another mode of transmission?

Have you changed the mode of transmission since installing the equipment? Please give details.

Do you have any additional media/ tools for use with the equipment? (e.g. graphics, whiteboard, etc.) For what purposes do you use these tools?

Where is your equipment situated? (e.g. In your office, in a dedicated videoconferencing room, etc.)

Have you changed the location of the equipment since installing it? If so, please give details.

Approximately, how long ago was the equipment installed?

Who installed your equipment? (e.g. retailer, manufacturer, local expert, yourself)

Was the installation procedure acceptable to you? Please explain.

Who supports your equipment? (i.e. where would you go if it went wrong?)

How do you rate this support? Please explain.

Have you changed the level of support or the support provider in the last 18 months? Please give details including dates and reasons

How are the capital costs funded? (i.e. UKERNA, research grant)
18 months ago?

How are the running costs funded? (i.e. user charges, department funding, project funding)
18 months ago?

Has videoconferencing lived up to your expectations since installing the equipment?

What uses do you currently have for your videoconferencing equipment? Please choose one or more of the options below by deleting any that are inapplicable. Please indicate clearly whether you *personally* use the equipment for each option, or whether you are solely the service provider for that use.

Is this what you originally anticipated when you bought the equipment? Please explain.

Have your uses of the equipment changed over the last 18 months? Please give details, specifying when and why the change(s) was made.

A. Concerning your use of videoconferencing equipment for personal/ informal communications

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

Who do you talk with for the majority of your video calls? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

18 months ago did you talk with people from the same group as those above or not? Please give details.

What topics do you usually discuss using videoconferencing? (e.g. personal, news, showing documents etc.)
18 months ago?

How often do you use videoconferencing for personal/ informal communications? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for personal/ informal communications, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding, etc.)?

How long is a typical call for personal/ informal communications? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

When using the equipment for personal/informal communications, is it mainly point-point, or multi-point? (i.e. is there just one other site involved at a time or more than one other?)

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment to be for personal/ informal communications? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional ways of personal/ informal communications (e.g. letters, phone calls)?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional ways of personal/ informal communications?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for personal/ informal communications?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for personal/ informal communications (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for personal/ informal communications? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for personal/ informal communications?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering using videoconferencing for personal/ informal communications? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for personal/ informal communications?

B. Concerning your use of videoconferencing equipment for presentations (i.e. providing or receiving information but not specifically for teaching or learning purposes)

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

Do you send or receive presentations? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

If you send presentations, who is the usual recipient? (e.g. client, colleague)
18 months ago?

If you receive presentations, who usually sends them? (e.g. client, colleague)
18 months ago?

What is the typical content of a presentation?
18 months ago?

Who pays for the presentations and the communication time?
18 months ago?

Do the presentations incorporate pre-recorded material? If so, in what form?

How often do you use videoconferencing for presentations? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for presentations, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding)?

How long is a typical call for presentation purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

When using the equipment for presentations, is it mainly for point-point, or multi-point communication? (i.e. is there just one other site involved at a time or more than one other?)

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment to be for presentations? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional ways of giving/receiving presentations (e.g. OHP, slides)?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional ways of giving/receiving presentations?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for videoconference presentations?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for presentations (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for presentations? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for presentations?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering giving/ receiving presentations in this way? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for presentation purposes?

C. Concerning your use of videoconferencing equipment for teaching or learning

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

Do you use videoconferencing for teaching or learning?

Which subjects are taught in this way?
18 months ago?

Is the teaching conducted...? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed since 18 months ago?

Does your configuration allow...? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed since 18 months ago?

How is coursework, if any, dealt with?
18 months ago?

How many sessions constitute a typical course?
18 months ago?

Do lectures incorporate any pre-recorded material? Please explain.

Have the teaching methods changed since 18 months ago?

How are questions from students dealt with (e.g. pre-written, asked “live", etc.)?

How often do you use videoconferencing for teaching or learning? (Please delete all inapplicable responses]

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for teaching or learning, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding)?

How long is a typical call for teaching or learning purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment to be for teaching or learning? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional ways of teaching or learning (e.g. face to face group lessons)?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional ways of teaching or learning?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for teaching or learning?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for teaching or learning purposes (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for teaching or learning? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for teaching or learning?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering using videoconferencing for teaching or learning? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for teaching or learning?

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