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The Use of Videoconferencing in Higher Education

4. Conclusions

The following sections provide lessons learnt from the survey and possible future directions for VC in higher education.

4.1 Lessons learned, patterns of use and pointers to success

The main lessons that have been learned are: The main pattern seems to be a differentiation between the management and use of computer-based desktop VC and that of larger scale VC: To achieve successful management at a strategic level, it is necessary for those involved to have a good understanding of: It is rare to find all the above in any one department or service group and the most successful cases seem to be the ones which have either achieved co-operation between departments with shared management responsibilities and resources or where a specific VC service is set up and includes all the relevant skills and experience. If a single specialist group undertakes VC responsibilities (e.g. audio-visual services) it must be prepared to admit when it lacks skills and must be prepared to ask for assistance.

4.2 Looking to the future

As in the 1994 survey (Butters et al.), technical support from network and equipment suppliers was patchy with reliability still a major issue needing to be addressed before VC can really be the 'medium of the future' that it has the potential to be. Fortunately, the network service providers are investing in enhancements to the infrastructure and we can realistically expect that the situation will continue to improve.

As was stated in section 3.5.3 of the results, it is possible that the perceived cost and educational benefits of using VC for teaching and learning could drive the installation of new ATM networks and increased network connectivity. One of the field sites, although not really using VC for teaching yet, is planning for the future and is running skills training courses for lecturers who could soon teach via VC. The courses cover three main skills:

This kind of forethought will be essential if the most is to be made of the technology. Although the impetus towards improving the VC capability for teaching could be financial cost benefits as well as educational ones, it is likely to be important to remember the lessons learned about VC from industry. From the personal experience of the author, case studies reported anecdotally have concurred with the notion that although VC is often justified in the commercial world on the basis of cost savings, in reality these savings (in terms of decreased travel and subsistence costs etc.) often do not materialise. However, VC can pay for itself in terms of increased financial income due to increased efficiency, better decision making and competitive edge etc. If this pattern is mirrored in higher education, it may be important to think in terms not only of potential cost savings but also in terms of increased income, for example the ability to reach students that may not otherwise register or the ability to offer a flexibility of learning that is not provided elsewhere. This could influence the kinds of courses considered suitable for VC teaching.

In conclusion, there are those who predict that the future of VC will be desktop and only desktop but the impression gained from this small study is that although the use of desktop (both computer-based and dedicated) will certainly increase, this does not mean that use of studio-based VC will diminish. On the contrary, new networks, along with a possible need to reach new student markets, will mean that applications requiring good quality studio/auditorium facilities will increase.

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