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Event History Data

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Comparing Pencils

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Visualisation of historical events using Lexis pencils


The authors are grateful for the support of the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), who partially funded this research under the Analysis of Large and Complex Datasets initiative (grant number H 519255029). The 1973 sample of bigamists used as an example comes from another ESRC research project Criminal Careers and Sex Offending (grant number R 00023 6540), and we are grateful to Professor Keith Soothill for helpful discussions relating to this dataset. The sample of 188 married couples from Kirkcaldy comes from a third ESRC project funded under the Social Change and Economic Life initiative.


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Barry, J. T., Walby, S. and Francis, B. (1990) Graphical exploration of work history data. Quad. Statist. Mat. Appl. Sci. Econ Socl., 12, 65-74

Blossfeld, H-P., Hamerle, A. and Mayer, K.U.(1989) Event History Analysis. Lawrence Erlbaum; New Jersey.

Cleveland, W.S. (1994) The elements of graphing data. Hobart Press, New Jersey.

Davies, R.B., Elias, P. and Penn, R. (1992) The relationship between a husband's unemployment and his wife's participation in the labour force. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54, 2, 145-171

Francis, B and Fuller, M (1996) Visualisation of event histories. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A. 159, 2, 301-8

Keiding, N. (1990) Statistical inference in the Lexis diagram. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 332, 487-509

Lexis, W. (1875) Einleitung in der Theorie der Bevölkerungsstatistik. Trübner: Strassburg

Pressat, R. (1961) L'Analyse Démographique. Presses Universitaires de France: Paris

Soothill, K., Sanderson, B., Peelo, M. and Ackerley, E. (1998) Bigamy - Likelihood of reconviction and the place of bigamy in the pantheon of crime. Submitted to Medicine, Science and the Law

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