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Review of Visualisation Systems

4.2 Application Visualization System (AVS)

4.2.1 - Supported data readers
4.2.2 - Tools for importing data

4.2.1 Supported data readers

This section outlines the data readers for specific formats which are available as part of the visualization system.

4.2.2 Tools for importing data

There are three main methods of importing data into AVS:

Standard AVS modules: there are a number of modules provided to read data files in one of the defined AVS datatype formats e.g., read_ucd, generate_colormap, read_geom;

AVS read_field: this module parses an ASCII header file which describes the organisation and structure of a binary/ascii datafile. The data is then imported and mapped onto the AVS field datatype. As the AVS field datatype is used then it is restricted to general N dimensional arrays of M data elements;

AVS Data Interchange Application (ADIA): this tool provides the ability to import data which matches the AVS field datatype but has a number of advantages over the read_field module:

Figure 8
shows a sample of the ADIA interface.

Review of Visualisation Systems
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