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Desktop Video AGOCG Report


The ISSUE project (IBC Systems and Services Usability Engineering) was a RACE I6 Usability project. The primary goal was to provide designers of future IBC systems and services with usability information in terms of factors affecting acceptability and uptake of video communication and multimedia retrieval systems.

ISSUE aimed to identify the best way to match the output of the designers and providers of services to the real needs of the users in order to introduce and maintain new services successfully.

The project developed simulations and experimental prototypes on which human factors experimentation was carried out. In parallel, user surveys were conducted assessing user needs and requirements in relation to IBC technology. This information has been collated and supplemented by human factors data from all over the world in an effort to compile a series of guidelines which accurately reflect human factors practice.

ISSUE developed its human factors guidelines in a modular form as a series of books supported by short videos. There are four different information packages available; videoconferencing, videotelephony, multimedia, and usability evaluation, each of which is a self contained unit which can be obtained from The HUSAT Research Institute.

RACE I has been followed by RACE II which will run until the end of 1995. The whole programme is investigating aspects of video communications and multimedia for future broadband networks. Projects have been set up to address the more technological aspects as well as the user aspects being addressed in trials. The trials take the form of application experiments in specific business sectors (for example, publishing, banking, tourism) and many of these incorporate terminals with desktop video windows.

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