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3 Survey results: Virtual Reality activity in the U.K.

3.5 Time group has been active

                       1995 survey   1994 survey
Less than 1 year          5             4
1-2 years                12            18
2-3 years                21             6
3-4years                  8             3
4-5 years                 5             2
more than 5 years        10             4
Both this year's Survey and the 1994 Survey indicate that the majority of groups were formed in the period 1992-3.

3.6 Funding

                                      1995 survey  1994 survey
Company/Clients                            31             21
University internal                        20             17
SERC/EPSRC/MRC/ACME/ESRC                   13             15
Unspecified Government agency               8              4
EC/CEC/ESPRIT                               4              7
Department of Trade and Industry            3              6
HEFCE/HEFCW                                 2              0
Defence Research Agency/Ministry of Defence 2              6
Self                                        1              0
Charities                                   0              3
Department of the Environment               0              1
Department of Health                        0              1
Health and Safety Executive                 0              1 
IED                                         0              1
The overall balance of funding does not appear to have changed significantly since 1994, with the notable exception of work funded by companies and their clients. This could be interpreted as a healthy increased investment by industry. Perhaps more worryingly, there seems not to be any increase in the numbers reporting other sources of support - especially for academic work, such as Research Council or other government (national or European) funding. Given that there are still many unanswered questions about VR, and the fact that a sizeable proportion of respondents were from the academic sector, this is a notable finding.

3.7 Focus and applications of VR work

Respondents were asked to describe their interest and activity in VR in two categories: Reported areas of focus were:
                                      1995 survey    1994 survey
Applications development                39               18
Human factors/HCI                       14                8
Software architectures                   9                3
VR peripherals development               8                4
Perception/action/cognitive aspects 
in virtual environments                  7                2
Data visualization                       3                0
VRML                                     3                0
Algorithms research                      2                0
Education/Training                       2                2
Integrated manufacturing                 2                1
Socio-cognitive issues                   2                1
Speech                                   2                0
CSCW                                     1                0
Parallel architectures                   1                2
Simulation                               1                0
Social issues of VR                      1                1
Stereoscopic display systems             1                1
Other                                    0                9

The range of applications and activities covered remains broad. There has been a substantial increase in applications development, possibly reflecting the increase in industrially-funded work. A number of new topics have appeared, including data visualization and VRML.

There was a wide range of specific application areas reported, including:
                                        1995 survey   1994 survey
Education and training                    11              3
Information visualization                 10              6
Construction planning and scheduling       9              2
Driving/flight simulation                  7              1
CAD/CAM                                    6              4
Medical simulation/training                6              5
Virtual retailing/Marketing                5              0
Industrial simulation                      4              2
Information systems/Databases              4              0
Installation/maintenance planning          4              0
Architecture                               3              3
CSCW/Teleconferencing                      3              1
Entertainment                              3              4
Spatial skills                             3              1
VRML                                       3              0
Artificial intelligence                    2              0
Cognitive aspects of virtual worlds        2              1
Disabled user applications                 2              0
Evacuation and safety                      2              1
Fluid dynamics                             2              1
Modelling                                  2              1
Robotics                                   2              1
Art                                        1              0
Discrete-event simulation                  1              0
Ergonomics                                 1              0
Military simulation                        1              2
Animation                                  1              0
Other                                      0             10

3.8 Perceived benefits of VR

Respondents were asked what they saw as the specific benefits VR brought to their work, and replied as follows:
                                                 1995 survey  1994 survey
Increased and improved human-computer interaction    30          13
Better visualization of information                  24           8
A sense of 'presence' in a virtual environment       11           7
More rapid prototyping                               10           4
Improved simulation                                   9           3
Cooperative working in virtual environments           6           2
Improved education and training methods               5           2
Quicker decision making                               1           1
Study of perception/action                            1           0
Applying cognitive skills                             0           1
Substantially more people are reporting greater perceived benefits of VR. The extent to which this remains an expectation rather than a proven benefit remains unclear.

3.9 Hardware and software used

By far the biggest increase in hardware is the doubling in reported use of Silicon Graphics machines. PC usage has increased only marginally. At this rate, SG will probably have overtaken PCS by the time this report appears.

Superscape remains the most popular software package, with dVISE/dVS in second place. The other striking thing is the broad range of software in use. Much of this cannot be classed by any stretch of the imagination as VR software, suggesting that many groups are still developing their own solutions to problems using underlying graphics systems. As in last year's report this may imply quite a large degree of duplication of effort.

                           1995 survey  1994 survey
PC                            32          29
Silicon Graphics              31          15
Division                       5           6
Sun                            4           4
Apple	                       3           5
HP/Apollo                      2           1

Interaction Methods HMD (commercial) 21 13 Magnetic/ultrasonic tracker 19 10 Stereo glasses 14 8 3D mouse 13 10 Joystick 10 0 Spaceball 10 6 Glove/EXOS 7 11 Tactile devices 5 0 Sound 4 6 Eye tracker 3 0 Boom/arm 2 0 Large-screen projection 2 0 Motion hardware 2 0 HMD (home-made) 1 2 Glove (home-made) 1 0 Private Eye 1 0 Touchscreen 1 2 Voice input 0 1
Software Superscape VRT 17 13 dVISE/dVS 10 3 GL/OGL/Performer/Inventor 7 2 3D studio 6 3 VRML/Webspace 5 0 World Toolkit/Sense8 6 7 JACK 3 0 Renderware 3 6 MultiGen 2 0 PHIGS 2 0 Rend386 2 3 Worldview 2 0 AudioLab 1 1 Avril 1 0 AVS/Explorer 1 0 DIVE 1 2 Quicktime VR l 0 Vista Pro 1 0 Vroom l 0 Wavefront 1 0 MR Toolkit 0 2 Swoop VR 0 1

3.10 Organisations with immersive VR facilities

There are nine new entries in the list of organisations using or supporting immersive VR this year (an asterisk against an organisation's name indicates a new entry since the 1994 survey): whilst university groups were:

3.11 Importance of VR for the United Kingdom

The feeling most commonly reported was that the U.K. has so far conducted research of excellent quality in the field of VR and its applications, and that it is ideally placed to become the world leader, if sufficient government funding and support is forthcoming. Some quotes from respondents:
  • Research is vital for sustaining the present UK world lead in commercial VR systems.
  • VR is a crucial technology and will genuinely transform the world.
  • The UK can be a world leader.
  • If the UK is not at the front in VR, it is nowhere.
  • The UK has always been a tremendous source of innovation, and VR is no exception.

    3.12 Promoting VR activity in the U.K.

    Many respondents specifically requested increased and targeted funding for academic/industrial collaborations, such as a special EPSRC programme. This funding should be medium/long term, and not be aimed at short-term 'quick' projects.
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