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The Use of Videoconferencing in Higher Education

6. Useful URLs

Advisory group on computer graphics. Information about the group, current projects, AGOCG technical reports, SIMA project and workshop reports (including, "The Do's and Dont's of Videoconferencing in Higher Education").

The SuperJANET Video Network- Users Guide. Includes information on how to go about using videoconferencing, how to book SuperJANET and site contact information and video facilities.


Information on the SuperJANET video network and its expansion

UKERNA video project, SuperJANET working groups and papers, TITAN project, Mice, MERCI project, desktop VC, UKERNA facilities

Other links from the JANET/UKERNA WWW pages

Searchable directory of VC WWW pages, split by country (mainly European) and institution

Introduction to the University of Ulster VC services and further links about the ACTOR project (Applications for ISDN Communications Technologies to extend OutReach)

Details about the University of Ulster VC service, papers, reports, surveys, UKERNA reports.

Instruction manual including pictures for studio VC5000 system and desktop controller.

Workshop held at Lancaster University by the Universities and Colleges Software Group (UCSG) on conference systems

Programme for the 13/5/96-14/5/96 VC workshop at Nottingham University

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