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Appendix 1

The CUSeeMe System

This is an extract of the "Read Me file from the current version of CUSeeMe used by the University of Derby Videoconferencing System.
CU-SeeMe README file
by Dick Cogger

CU-SeeMe0.80b1 - BETA VERSION for (self-selected) Testers only

Software Versions

CU-SeeMePPc0.0.80b1 and CU-SeeMe68k0.87b1 are now available. Both of 
these are major functional enhancements beyond the previous 0.70 series. 
Obtain by FTP to cu-seeme.cornell.ed/pub/video

RELECTOR There is also a new version of the reflector, 2.50b2, which is 
needed to use some of the new features of 0.80. It is on the usual 
anonymous ftp site,

About This Document

This document is a (somewhat crudely) consolidated document for version 
0.80. See the latest CU-SeeMe.CHANGES..txt for an extensive 
revision and release history. Briefly:

0.70 versions added audio support.

0.80 versions added:
1) A "SlideWindow" facility with which you can capture 640x440 stills, 
transmit to all participients (who have SlideWindow open) and then point 
with the mouse and have everyone see the pointer. You can also switch 
among a number of slides and have the remote particpants see the same 
thing. SlideWindow is an "AuxData Application" which is invoked with the 
SlideWindow menu item on the Conference menu.

2)An "Auxilliary Data Transport" providing reliable one-to-many delivery 
of data constitutin auzilliary materials for sharing in a conference. 
Data is transmitted as "Items", with an item being defined as a string of 
bytes contained in memory. The AuxData transport takes care of packeting 
and any neccessary retrys to ensure reliable delivery. This transport is 
used by the built-in SlideWindow application or by plug-in AuxData 
applications (see below).

3) A Plug-In interface so that separate modules can add functionality to 
CU-SeeMe. There is a "Software Developer's Kit" for Plug-In's, consisting 
of documentation and sample plugins and two CodeWarrior projects with 
libraries to facilitate development. If one or more plug-ins is in the 
same folder as CU-SeeMe at launchtime, a menu will be added (for each).

4)A "talk" plug-in (in source, also, as an example) for sharing typed 
messages as with IRC. The Talk module implements a "chat" window that 
allows exchange of text messages.

5)An AuxData tracing tool for examining data flows when debugging or 
testing AuxData applications. The AD-Trace module is a testing or 
debuggin tool that shows all "AuxData" traffic.

6) Also there is a new version of the reflector which will allow sending 
of AuxData and also prevent sending of AuxDatta to participants who are 
not running the appropriate AuxData application (or who don't have it). 
Version 0.80 will not attempt to send AuxData if connected to a version 
of the reflector earlier than 3.00b1. Version 3.00b2 has a few bug fixes 
and is currently running at Cornell at the usual address, 
You can use this reflector or you can make point-point connections to 
test the AuxData applications provided with the beta 0.80. If any 
reflector operator can run the new reflector, currently 2.50b2, please do 
and advise this list. This new reflector also had additional facilities 
for interoperating with vat and nv.

Basic CUSeeMe Information

Cu-SeeMe, a desktop videoconferencing program, for Macintosh and PC, is 
available free from Cornell University under copyright of Cornell and its 
collaborators. Cu-SeeMe provides a one-to-one conference, or by use of a 
reflector, a one-to-many, a several-to-several, or a several-to-many 
conference depending on user needs and hardware capabilities. It displays 
4-bit grayscale video windows at 160x120 pixels or at double that 
diameter, and now includes audio on the Mac. So far as we know, CU-SeeMe 
was the first software available for the Macintosh to support real-time 
multi-party videoconferencing on the Internet.

Cu-SeeMe is intended to provide useful conferencing at minimal cost. 
Receiving requires only a Mac with a screen capable of displaying 16 
grays and a connection to the Internet. Sending requires the same plus a 
camera and digitizer (see specs below) which can cost as little as $100 
to add on.

At this time CU-SeeMe runs on the Macintosh (with audio) and the PC 
(without audio) using an IP netowrk connection. With Cu-SeeMe each 
participant can decide to be a sender, a receiver, or both. WARNING: 
Although being improved with each version, CU-SeeMe is not mature 
production software - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. And also, PLEASE TREAT THE 
INTERNET KINDLY - keep b/w limits set down under 100kbps, or less if you 
share limited bandwidth with others. Many, many folks connected to the 
Internet can use CU_SeeMe with default settings and cause no problem to 
anyone else; but unfortunately, not everyone. If you don't know whether 
using CU-SeeMe will mess up the network for someone else, CHECK IT OUT 
first, please.

Cu-SeeMe was initially written for the Macintosh by Tim Dorcey with 
design assistance and sponsorship by Richard Cogger of the Advanced 
Technology group in the Network Resources division of Cornell 
University's Information Technology department (CIT). Important early 
contributions cam from: Cornell University Meiccal Colleges (CUMC), Scott 
Brim, and John Lynn.

Since Oct. 1, 1993, the CU-SeeMe Project receives funding from the 
National Science Foundation. A very significant collaborative effort at 
Cornell University Medical Colleges (CUMC) is contributing substantial 
expertise and code.

Development contributers to Macintosh CU-SeeMe0.80: Cornell: Richard 
Cogger (Project Director/PI), Time Dorcey, Scott Brim (Co-PI), John Lynn, 
Larry Chace; CUMC: Steve Erde, Aaron Freimark, Aaron Giles, Erik Dahl; 
UIUC: Charley Kline (audio).

This material is partially based on work sponsored by the National 
Science foundation under Cooperative Agreement No NCR-9318337. The 
Government has certain rights in this material. Copyright 1993, 1994, 
1995, Cornell University.

What do you need to use CU-SeeMe?

Specifications to RECEIVE video:
- Macintosh platform with a 68020 processor or higher
- System 7 or higher operating system (it "may" run on system 6.0.7 and above)
- Ability to display 16-level-grayscale (e.g. any color Mac)
- an IP network connection
- MacTCP
- Current CU-SeeMe application
- Apple's QuickTime, to receive slides with SlideWindow

Specification to SEND video:
- The specification to receive video mentioned above
- Quicktime installed
- A video digitizer (with vdig software) and Camera;
Supported as of 0.70b13:
 - ONE OF-
  Video Spigot hardware (street price approx. $380.)
  AV-Mac (vdig built into system)
  CopmuterEyes/RT SCIS port digitizer
       - PLUS - 
       camera with NTSC lvpp output
      (like a camcorder) and RCA cable.
 - OR_
  Connectix QuickCam serial prot digitizer (with camera)

To obtain CU-SeeMe

Use ftp (File Transfer Protocol) to:

UserID:    anonymous
directory: /pub/video

Download the latest README file, if there is one later than the date at 
the top of this file you are reading. Then get the application and other 
files you need.

CU-SeeMe Maillist

For anyone interested in following developments in CU-SeeMe or its use, 
an automated maillist has been established. The list is provided for 
unrestricted discussion of the CU-SeeMe packet video software under 
development by the Cornell Cu-SeeMe project and its collaborators. 
Developers and project management all read the list. Currently there are 
over 1000 members on the list, and there are usually several messages 
each day. We, and other users, would also like to hear about and discuss 
innovative uses of CU-SeeMe. Pleae write and tell us your story. To join 
the list, send a message with the following line as the entire message 
body to

subscribe cu-seeme-l  

(Substitute your actual name, please; it's amazing how many don't.) You 
should receive a confirming message with extensive instructions on use of
the list.

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