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Appendix 2

CUSeeMe User Questionnaire

The following questionnaire was sent to the members of the CUSeeMe electronic mailing list. People were asked to complete as many answers as possible and to return the form by email. Approximately 50 replies were received.


Please place an "*" in the box given or type you answer.

1 User profile

Are you:
Male   [ ]                   A researcher            [ ]
Female [ ]                   A student               [ ]
                             An employee of a company[ ]
                             Other                 .....

Do you use email to communicate as part of your day-to-day work?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Do you use networks such as the Internet as part of your day-to-day work?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Where did you hear about CUSeeMe?

Which version of CUSeeMe do you use?
Mac        [ ]
PC         [ ]
Version Number ...

2. Usage Patterns

On average, how many hours do you use the CUSeeMe system?
Per Day  [ ]
Per Week [ ]

Do you work in collaborative work groups?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

If so, do you use CUSeeMe in place of face-to-face meetings?
Occasionally [ ]
Regularly    [ ]
Never        [ ]

Do you typically use CUSeeMe in conjunction with a telephone link?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Do you typically use CUSeeMe in conjunction with another type of audio link, usch as Maven?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Do you typically use CUSeeMe in conjunction with other groupware systems such as a shared drawing surface?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Can you breifly summarise the uses to which you place CUSeeMe?

3. Usability

How easily was the system set up?
[ ]     [ ]    [ ]   [ ]       [ ]
V.Easy  Easy   OK    Difficult V.Difficult

Overall how would you rate the system?..
  [ ]    [ ]    [ ]        [ ]  [ ]
V.Good  Good Indifferent  Poor V.Poor

What problems have you had with the system?

What other Video Conferencing products have you used?

How would you rate them out of 1- in terms fo the following attributes?

            Refresh       Quality of        Ease of
            Rate          Image             use
CUSeeMe     [5]           [5]               [5]
......      [ ]           [ ]               [ ]
......      [ ]           [ ]               [ ]
......      [ ]           [ ]               [ ]
......      [ ]           [ ]               [ ]
......      [ ]           [ ]               [ ]

4. Network

What network do you use?
	Local Area Network only              [ ]
 	High Spped Modem Internet Connection [ ]
	LAN with 64K Internet Connection     [ ]
	LAN with >64K Internet Connection [ ]
	Don't Know			     [ ]

What impact do you thing your usage of CUSEeMe has on you Local Area Network (only answer if appropriate)?

What impact do you think your usage of CUSeeMe has on you Internet connection (only answer if appropriate)?

5. Other General Comments

Do you have any other comments on video conferencing systems?

6. Finally

Would you like your name to be placed on our project e-mailing list?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Would you like a copy of the project final report?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Would you mind us sending you another questionnaire in the future?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

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