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The Use of Videoconferencing in Higher Education

1. Electronic mail questionnaire

(Part 2)

D. Concerning your use of videoconferencing equipment for research purposes

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

What kind of research do you use videoconferencing facilities for?

How do you use videoconferencing in this field of research?

Has the way in which you use videoconferencing changed since the last 18 months? Please give details.

Who do you normally communicate with? (e.g. project partner, colleague etc.)

How often do you use videoconferencing for research purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for research purposes, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding)?

How long is a typical call for research purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

When using the equipment for research purposes, is it mainly for point-point, or multi-point communication? (i.e. is there just one other site involved at a time or more than one other?)

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment to be for research purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional methods of research (e.g. face-face meetings)?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional methods of research?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for research purposes?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for research purposes (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for research purposes? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for research purposes?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering using videoconferencing for research purposes? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for research purposes?

E. Concerning your use of videoconferencing equipment for collaborative work (but not specifically for research)

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

With whom is the work usually conducted? (e.g. service providers, audio-visual department)

What type of work is carried out?

Has the type of work carried out changed in the last 18 months?

How often do you use videoconferencing for collaborative work? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for collaborative work, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding)?

How long is a typical call for collaborative work? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

When using the equipment for collaborative work, is it mainly for point-point, or multi-point communication? (i.e. is there just one other site involved at a time or more than one other?)

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment for collaborative work? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional ways of collaborative work (e.g. face to face meetings, postal communications, phone calls)?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional ways of collaborative working?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for collaborative work?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for collaborative work purposes (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for collaborative work? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for collaborative work?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering videoconferencing for collaborative work? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for collaborative work?

F. Concerning your use of videoconferencing equipment for interviewing

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

How often do you use videoconferencing for interviewing? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for interviewing, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding)?

How long is a typical call for interviewing? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

When using the equipment for interviewing, is it mainly for point-point, or multi-point communication? (i.e. is there just one other site involved at a time or more than one other?)

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment for interviewing? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional ways of interviewing (e.g. face to face)?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional ways of interviewing?

Are there any particular situations where videoconferencing is not suitable for interviewing? Why?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for interviewing?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for interviewing purposes (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for interviewing? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for interviewing?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering using videoconferencing for interviewing? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for interviewing purposes?

G. If you do not yet use your videoconferencing equipment...

What do you intend to use it for?

When do you intend to start using it? Please explain.

What has stopped you using it up until now? (e.g. technical problems, lack of funding)

H. Use of videoconferencing technology for other purposes

Please answer the following questions for *yourself as a user* (i.e. not for other users that you are aware of)...

What do you use it for (e.g. teleworking, remote surveillance, watching TV, etc.)? Please describe fully these uses.

Have you discovered these uses for your equipment since installing it?

How often do you use videoconferencing for these purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has your frequency of use changed since 18 months ago? If so please give details.

If you don't use your equipment as often as you would like for these purposes, what are the barriers preventing you (e.g. technical knowledge, funding)?

How long is a typical call for these purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has the typical duration of a call changed compared to 18 months ago?

When using the equipment for these purposes, is it mainly for point-point, or multi-point communication? (i.e. is there just one other site involved at a time or more than one other?)

How useful have you found your videoconferencing equipment to be for these purposes? (Please delete all inapplicable responses)

Has this changed in the last 18 months? If yes, please give details.

What advantages does videoconferencing have over traditional media?

Are there any disadvantages over traditional media?

Are you happy with your current overall set-up for these uses?
18 months ago?

Are there things that you cannot do which you would like to be able to do? (e.g. Are there any extra facilities you would like to see incorporated?)
18 months ago?

Do you use any associated tools with the videoconferencing equipment for these purposes (e.g. file sharing, whiteboard facilities, etc.)?

Are there any facilities that you find superfluous for these purposes? Please explain.

Do you find that videoconferencing provides value for money for these purposes?
18 months ago?

Would you recommend your current set-up to others considering using it for these purposes? Why?

From your experiences, is there any advice you would give somebody who was considering the use of videoconferencing technology for these purposes?

Potential uses for the future

How do you expect to be using videoconferencing technology in 1 year from now?

How do you expect to be using videoconferencing technology in 5 years from now?

What are the limitations of your existing equipment that prevent you from using it in these ways at the moment?

Are you considering the purchase of any related equipment? If so, what?


Please add any other comments or feelings about videoconferencing equipment and technology that you do not feel have been covered in the questionnaire.

We would like to carry out some in-depth interviews with a few respondents personally. These would take place at your site, at your convenience and take approximately one to two hours. Would you be willing to be involved in these?

Would you like a copy of the final report?


Thank you very much for your time.

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